It was a lovely, sunny, warm day today, so of course I went out into the backyard to see how the crocuses are progressing. (In unrelated news, I have new phone and tablet wallpapers. ;)
There's a small but quite dense patch of crocuses right on the edge of the flowerbed against the porch. I contorted myself madly to get a nice, sunny shot of them without any weird shadows from myself or my phone:
I took a bunch more shots of various and sundry patches that I didn't trouble to upload here, and carefully positioned myself to shade them completely, because that was much easier than avoiding weird shade on them. All my wallpaper and lockscreen shots are in that set.
And of course, there's the usual sprinkling of volunteers scattered across the yard; here's a cute pair of them:
As I was coming back indoors I saw one last tiny patch that amused me with its cheekiness - they sprouted right at the edge of the porch door! Fortunately they're on the hinge side, so they shouldn't suffer from our to-ings and fro-ings.
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