Corn Tortillas From Scratch

Apr 21, 2015 04:43

How To Make Corn Tortillas From Scratch is what got me started on this little educational journey.

However, I've known for many years that tortillas were originally made not with presses, but by patting them back and forth between your hands. Very conveniently, one of the older comments on that post points in the right direction for a video showing that: Making Tortillas in Guatemala.

Real Hand Made Tortillas 2 is another video showing the authentic process in a century-old kitchen. Nice to watch, but a little lacking in description and detail.

Here's another video giving details and visual feedback for recognizing when you've got your dough right: How to make the perfect masa with masa flour. It seemed worth checking out her next step, How to make fresh tortillas, since it was there.

Now, once you've gone foodsnobbish enough to want to slap your tortillas by hand, you really should consider going all the way and starting with field corn, rather than Maseca... Nixtamalization - Making Masa and Corn Tortillas at CIA, San Antonio

And this video pulled together almost all of the important bits in one place for me: How to make incredible tortillas from scratch-- from cheap feed corn! (Bonus: he also tells how to Make fantastic chocolate from raw cocoa beans!)

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