But where are all the political ads?

Nov 02, 2008 13:48

So I finally went looking for a sample ballot for my district, since the radio has been amazingly silent on the subject of anything other than the presidential race, and discovered that there are actually four other parties with candidates for president - who knew??? I usually consider third party candidates seriously, since the Democrats and Republicans have become so ridiculously polarized and completely unwilling to work with each other to achieve anything.

It's pretty pathetic to realize that I haven't seen even a single roadside sign for anyone at all in the senatorial race.  I went looking for information on one who looked interesting, but since the website crashed my browser without fail every time I tried to look at the issues page, and even when I tried to go back, that gets an automatic fail from me.

I have seen some signs for people running for the House, but I'll probably end up voting for the incumbant again anyway.  The one candidate I remember from last time as an idiot, and I disagree with the other's stance on too many issues.

arrant stupidity, politics, government, vote

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