OK so I've been away for a while, which you should all know. I haven't had time to update yet OR check my friend's page, so today I'm going to drive up to Montreal, hand in my LAST FINAL OF THE SEMESTER, and then check it all sometime later... don't worry, I read your stuff, and will today.
Random thoughts from this trip:
--- upstate wings are the best... anywhere from Buffalo to Albany (or something like that)
--- plugs suck. I keep losing the o rings. I've lost seven now
--- Albany is one of the nicer cities I've ever been to... historic, modern, quiet, happening... a good mix
--- hockey is still the best thing ever, particularly the Calgary Flames!!!
--- I'm a dork - won the Conn Smythe (Best Poster in the Playoffs) and about to win Hobey Baker (Best Poster Under 25) on njdevs.com... though the Hobey Baker should belong to Chris and might ask to hand it over to him
--- Kids in the Hall? THE FREAKIN' BEST! season one came out on DVD yesterday, snatched it for $35.99 US... I'd say that's entirely worth it
--- why does a 25.3 oz Labatt "Big Blue" go for $2.49 US while a 24 oz non-nicknamed Molson Canadian go for $1.49 US? is it the nickname? is it the 1.3 oz? both? are we Americans really that dumb?
--- love him or hate him, Don Cherry's a great story-teller...
flanneryflyer: you're from Hershey, right? he has a lot of stories about the place
--- remind me not to drink milk, it doesn't agree with me
--- Highland Drive puts on a really tight set
--- apparently, the word "tight," when describing a band's set, is Jersey lingo. agree/disagree?
--- I've been thinking of other Jerseyisms. once I deep-fried a hot dog and all my relatives from Virginia were in a state of shock... that's common practice in Jersey! haven't you ever heard of a Texas Weiner? (word "Texas" is confusing, first came out of Paterson, New Jersey.) plus watermelon soda, yummm
--- I gotta freakin' start learning the bass
--- free cone day at Ben and Jerry's is moderately nuts
--- oh yeah, and hippies rule. best example to prove this is Ben and Jerry's ice cream
Perhaps I'll have a recap post later... not that I did much, but sure did a lot of travelling.