Sep 25, 2005 22:25
Okay. Well my boyfriend's sister has one of these new-fangled (OMG, what am I, 80?) online journals, and I thought I'd give it a try. . .
Today was a long, dreary, ICKY day. Last night, we got like 10 inches of rain. Yesterday went to the Mall of America. Went broke. But, the grand opening of H & M was going on, and could I give that up? I think NOT! Bought a hundred cute shirts there and a beautiful scarf. Also got some necessities from the MAC counter and some cool green eyeshadow to match my green dress for NACE. Annywho, spending all day at that mall means I was winded before bed last night. Fell asleep around 10-ish on Saturday only to wake up at 7:30 to my boyfriend calling my cell phone. Arrrrrgh. Oh well...wake-up calls are good when it's someone you want to talk to. My parents left today. They're going to Santa Fe, New Mexico to a motorcycle rally. So, I'm the woman of the house with 2 little rugrats to take care of. It should be okay, although Hanne can be such a little shithead. We mainly stayed at home since it was still raining all day. Had Hanne practice her spelling words. I thought really hard today about how stupid the English language is. Half the words we have aren't spelled the way they sound. Sometimes I wish speaking only German. At least I could spell the words, even if I didn't even know what they meant! In German words, each and every letter in the word is pronounced and pronounced the same way, unless it has umlauts (those little double dotted things above an A, O, or U...example: Ä Ö Ü. Anywho, that's my rant for the day. La dee dah. Made fettucine tonight. I amaze myself when I cook. Some days I can really make good food, and some days, I just completely suck. Anyway, tonight was a good night. Even made dessert: chocolate cake. I cheated. The kind from the box. Oh well...what do I look like, Betty Crocker?!
Whooooooosh ***