Dec 06, 2006 16:08
General Call-Out (2 important dates)
1. December 6: The McGill Sexual Assault Centre is holding an afternoon candlelight vigil at 1pm in Birks Chapel.
2. Rally and March for women's rights, for equality, & access to governments and the courts
When? Sunday, December 10, 2006 (International Human Rights Day) at 1:30 pm.
Where? Supreme Court of Canada, 301 Wellington Street, Ottawa.
Why? In the last several months, the Mr. Harper's Conservative government has:
- Cancelled the provincial/federal child care agreements which would have provided much-needed quality child care;
- Announced that it will close 12 of 16 Status of Women Canada offices in eight provinces;
- Refused to introduce pro-active pay equity despite expert recommendations;
- Eliminated funds for the Court Challenges Program so women and other minorities can't fight discrimination;
- Cut Status of Women's operating budget by 40% and eliminated funding to women's groups who advocate for equality;
- Disregarded an election commitment by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to improve women's human rights in Canada.
Our response:
Women will not go quietly back to the kitchen.
Transport by bus Montréal/Ottawa is organised by the Federation des Femmes du Québec for women and men. Seats are still available, you can reserve yours by sending an email to, or by phone at 514-992-1662, by 4pm Thursday, December 7 2006, at the very latest.
* Meeting point for buses : rue Berri, between de Maisonneuve and Ontario (Berri-UQÀM Metro)
* Departure time : 10:45am
* Expected arrival time in Montreal between 5:30 et 6pm
Bring a lunch, hat and mitts! And don't forget your signs!