Thursday 17th March
Departure at Square Victoria at 5 PM
Métro/subway: Square-Victoria (orange lign)
On March 17, 18 and 19, the Conservative Party of Stephen Harper is coming to Montreal where they will be holding their first conference since their party's formation. For this occasion, the PINK PANTHERS call people of all genders, sexualities and colours to show this young party extra special attention, just as anybody would like for their 'first time'...
This conference is a major public relations event which is a perfect opportunity for Stephen Harper and his delegates to polish their image. They will show us how their party is giving half-support for the war in Iraq, about three-quarters support for the control of sexual and private life, and two-thirds for Canada not to participate in the Kyoto Protocol...
On Thursday March 17, at 5pm (17h00), at Square-Victoria, come and show that Montrealers have more than just half an open-mind....A multicoloured march will start at Square-Victoria and end at the Palais de Congres. A kiss-in, colourful actions, and special attention will be paid to Stephen Harper and his party, on the occasion of their 'first time'...
* For more info on what is a PINK BLOC and on the Pink Panthers, see: