Aug 20, 2012 02:52
So I have a week off from work and two weeks until school starts again and I was super excited to paint part of my living room with magnetic paint and then buy a bunch of magnetic poetry. The problem I've discovered with this plan is that magnetic poetry does not seem to be in stock anywhere!
I was going to order off Amazon, but they have MAYBE five sets available and not the ones I really want. I also looked on the Chapters website and they only 1 kit available (and it's the "happiness" one... LAME!!!).
This is making me sad, so if anyone knows where I might be able to find magnetic poetry kits in stock I'd be super happy! Particularly if anyone sees the Unicorn set I need to have it!
I tried looking at the Magnetic Poetry website, but the shipping for a $12 set was $24... Yeah no thanks!
Valet de Coeur has the English, French, Spanish,& Italian starter sets, & the Yiddish add on pack.
Urban Outfitters has the moustache add on pack (I just don't even know....)
Tour de Jeux doesn't have anything (and didn't seem to know what I was talking about)
Renaud Bray doesn't have anything (and didn't seem to know what I was talking about)
Paragraphe has no stock and is not reordering (possibly may do a special order)
McGill Bookstore used to carry them, but no longer does
At this point I think ebay may be the way to go!
shopping: books,
shopping: misc,