I can just tell something's wrong - my spider sense is tingling.

Aug 25, 2010 20:27

When we moved into our house a few years ago we made a deal with the three dime-sized spiders that lived there. If they kept to themselves and kept their webs out of our hair, we wouldn’t kill them. Often I’d see them at odd places and locations and wonder ”How did you get behind the dryer?” or “You rascal, you almost got stuck in the freezer door,” and occasionally I’d even recognize them. This diplomatic immunity was a great system. They lived free and ate any random bugs that got into the house, and we respected their spiderness, and only dusted their tiny little corner webs out two or three times a year.

That being said, has anyone else noticed that spiders are taking over the goddamned city?

actual real photo

My three dime-sized arachnid diplomats have been replaced by at least two much bigger spiders. At least twoonie sized (toonie?). My entrance way has a few more. Its webs-in-the-hair almost every morning, and I think one of them has claws.

I’ve seen complex webs at an AMT train-station, at least one pretty-big-one actually on the train (how did he pay?!). I’ve seen two not-small ones in my office tower many many floors up (how did he push the elevator button, exactly?)

At least one other person I brought this up with agreed (upon reflection) to have seen a lot more spiders than usual, and bigger ones than usual too, around town, including one on an STM route in the West Island that spooked out some old ladies.

What is going on?! Who pissed off the spiders, and how do we get the little tiny clawless ones back? Is this about global warming? The recession? I don’t know but I’m starting to get a little nervous.

Have you noticed more spiders?
(If not, you will now)

pests, miscellaneous

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