Nov 23, 2006 22:14
Ok so the power cord/ ac adapter on my Dell Inspiron 1150 has died (please don't mock me for owning a Dell), but after multiple trips to Future Shop and the McGill computer store I am still without a functioning adapter and Dell claims that it it will take two weeks to ship me one. Unfortunetly I have five papers due with in the next two weeks and the idea of living in the library computer lab kills me, so if anyone out there has an old power cord that they are willing to sell (or even lend until I can get one from Dell) I would be eternally grateful (and will pay any price). Comment here or call me at (514) 845-4894 (seeing as my computer no longer works, my internet acsess is kind of limited...)
thanks in advance
wanted: stuff,
shopping: technology,
last minute