Mar 08, 2006 22:22
Home is where the heart is, they say, but where is my heart?
I came home Friday night (as some of you may know) to find that my mother had left, takeing my sister with her. She wants separation from my dad. Why? Well, he hasn't had a job in years, he brings in no income, and just lays about all day. He sometimes picks fight with the others in the house. She sdays it feels like dads just a third child she needs to take care of. I can understand where she's comeing from. I par rent on the apparetment, but he doesnt. Irksome, no?
I just found out that today Mom and Dad spent a good deal of time together. He agrees with her, about the nessecity of this decision. I guess thats good. Agreement never hurt, right?
Where does that leave me? Well, Dad wants me to stay with him, but I'm not comfortable with that. I'm also not comfortable staying with my sister and mother at the Ball's house. I'm welcome both places, but I don't want to pick sides. I know, there are no sides to be picked, but feelings and logic don't always match. My car is filled with my costumes, street clothes, and art supplies. I have at least one friend's house where I know I'm always welcome, but I'm hopeing I find a friend from work who could put me up (and put up with me) for a little while; a roomate searxch is on in Anehiem.
Home is where the heart is. I love my mother, I love my dad. I cannot pick one over the other. I hope I find a house soon, but I know it may be a while before I find a home.
To reach me, send E-mail, I try to check it whenever I have a computer near.