I think people should be able to discuss what they want to discuss, and if they feel they need to do it in a locked comm. they should be able to do that. Copy/pasting comments from other comms., locked or not, is bullying, as far as I'm concerned.
Having said that, I don't agree with the tactic of booting out people who have been accepted into a locked comm., I think it's just another version of treating people poorly. I didn't like it when it happened back in the first lambliff comm, or any of the times it's happened since then in others. Getting caught in the latest sweep was pretty insulting. Not only is it essentially saying to someone "I don't trust you", frankly, it doesn't work, and just ends up giving the bullies more fodder to chew on. Booting people has never stopped the c/p, since whoever the asshole is who is doing it just asks nicely to be let back in. Meanwhile, it leaves people like me feeling attacked for no reason. Quiet and insecure lurkers may end up feeling rejected and just walk away. I'm too old and too outspoken to be in that group, but it angers me when I see anyone attacked, regardless the justification people use for it.
This statement from i_glitterz is perfect: "I remember when this fandom was about Adam's happiness and everyone liked who they liked, but it wasn't such a huge deal if you were a Kradam shipper or a Bradam shipper, or even an Atom/Adommy/Lambliff/Ratbert/whatevertheirnameis shipper. We all loved it and it was supportive!
Now it's full of hate! I just see it as being immature and I for one, am not getting into it. I'm here for Adam, his music and the joy he brings me." I couldn't agree more.
Yeah, I don't know what to do about the booting out thing. I've only been in the fandom since January 2011. From my point of view, more blame goes to the nanny comm for c/ping in the first place. If they let others alone, none of this would happen. At least that's how I see it from my limited perspective. I'm really sorry you were kicked out. You're right, it doesn't seem to help, does it? The asshole is still there or will get in somehow.
Some people like to act like bullies, that's all. They get their jollies by being nasty in public (and anonymously if they can) to some other person. It's just classic schoolyard bullying. I pity them in a way. They are actually more hateful than the people who dislike Sauli - and I'm someone who actively dislikes him, although I realize many of my friends like him, so they don't need to see me disliking him.
I love Adam and his music, and not surprisingly he is going to go astray now and then, so I worry about him. Then I remember that nothing I do will change anything about his life. My worrying won't make his CDs sell LOL. So I just want to enjoy the fandom in various aspects, and I plan to continue to do that.
The only thing I'm totally against is sending stuff directly to the celebrities involved. This is fandom so leave them out of it. They did nothing to deserve having hate sent to them.
The mean nonnies could be argued to have the biggest hand in this problem, and believe me I'm not defending their actions, but like the old saw goes, two wrongs don't make a right. Lashing out at others when you're hurt may be human nature, but it's not a nice thing to do. I think it's a slippery slope to start down the path of saying what that person/group is doing is worse than what that person/group is doing, if what any of them are doing is hurting other people.
All of us can only be responsible for our own behaviors. I give Adam the respect to make his own choices - god knows he could give two shits about what my opinion(or any other fan's) is of his personal relationships, nor should he. It's his life, we've all got our own to be getting on with.
You're right, it's not worth saying one is worse than the other. It's just that I feel some people are defending the nannies. That could be my mistake. When we read something, we bring our own baggage with us, and it affects how we understand what we read.
It's his life, we've all got our own to be getting on with. Amen to that.
Oh, sweetie, it's not full of hate. The haters are just loud. Just like always. :P We have lots of sweet people here, and the fandom is what we make of it. If we're positive the more positive the fandom is. If we're negative the more negative the fandom is.
This is the law of the world. And I always choose positive because negativity is just so last year. :) *hugs*
Having said that, I don't agree with the tactic of booting out people who have been accepted into a locked comm., I think it's just another version of treating people poorly. I didn't like it when it happened back in the first lambliff comm, or any of the times it's happened since then in others. Getting caught in the latest sweep was pretty insulting. Not only is it essentially saying to someone "I don't trust you", frankly, it doesn't work, and just ends up giving the bullies more fodder to chew on. Booting people has never stopped the c/p, since whoever the asshole is who is doing it just asks nicely to be let back in. Meanwhile, it leaves people like me feeling attacked for no reason. Quiet and insecure lurkers may end up feeling rejected and just walk away. I'm too old and too outspoken to be in that group, but it angers me when I see anyone attacked, regardless the justification people use for it.
This statement from i_glitterz is perfect: "I remember when this fandom was about Adam's happiness and everyone liked who they liked, but it wasn't such a huge deal if you were a Kradam shipper or a Bradam shipper, or even an Atom/Adommy/Lambliff/Ratbert/whatevertheirnameis shipper. We all loved it and it was supportive!
Now it's full of hate! I just see it as being immature and I for one, am not getting into it. I'm here for Adam, his music and the joy he brings me."
I couldn't agree more.
Some people like to act like bullies, that's all. They get their jollies by being nasty in public (and anonymously if they can) to some other person. It's just classic schoolyard bullying. I pity them in a way. They are actually more hateful than the people who dislike Sauli - and I'm someone who actively dislikes him, although I realize many of my friends like him, so they don't need to see me disliking him.
I love Adam and his music, and not surprisingly he is going to go astray now and then, so I worry about him. Then I remember that nothing I do will change anything about his life. My worrying won't make his CDs sell LOL. So I just want to enjoy the fandom in various aspects, and I plan to continue to do that.
The only thing I'm totally against is sending stuff directly to the celebrities involved. This is fandom so leave them out of it. They did nothing to deserve having hate sent to them.
All of us can only be responsible for our own behaviors. I give Adam the respect to make his own choices - god knows he could give two shits about what my opinion(or any other fan's) is of his personal relationships, nor should he. It's his life, we've all got our own to be getting on with.
It's his life, we've all got our own to be getting on with. Amen to that.
This is the law of the world. And I always choose positive because negativity is just so last year. :) *hugs*
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