Winter Wonderland. My Ass!

Dec 08, 2005 12:28

It's freaking freezing here! First time in years its been below zero in December here and I'm caught without full heat to the house due to A's wonderful plan to move the furnace so we can run duct work up to the new addition. Thank God he had the forsight to buy insulation and lay it up in the ceiling joists, letting the new addition act like an attic rather than a space that will suck the heat and spew it forth into the atmosphere.

Right now I have heat in the bedroom and living room. A little bit of heat in the kitchen. No heat in the bathroom (can I tell you how cold it is after a shower?) and no heat in the office so I'm not on the computer much right now. A assures me that by the end of the weekend the heat will be hooked up and then he'll do the cold air returns and we'll be all set. For the next phase of the project, I'm going to get a timeline out of him if it kills me and I'm going to turn all project manager on his ass to ensure everything gets done in a reasonable amount of time even if we have to pay someone to do it for us.

On a happier note, there is snow and it looks pretty.The down side to this is that there is snow and Denali wants to roll in it. Why can't my dog roll in the snow? Well you see, he had this ugly, smelly cyst on his back near his back hips that kept growing and getting infected. Just before thanksgiving we had it removed and he has a shaved butt. Poor boy. He looks like Frankein-puppy with the nice scar to go along with his shaved heiny. LOL. We have to keep him dry until the stitches come out tomorrow. I know it itches so I scratch and gently rub around the incision but the dog is a typical snow dog and wants to be in the snow rolling around and living it up. He gets these big sad eyes when we tell him no. Sniff.

Well, here's hoping the temp gets up to at least the mid 20's and that A really does get the heating hooked up so I don't have to wear a parka to pee anymore. Brrrr.

Happy Holidays, flist!

family, renovations

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