"If I was crying, in the van, with my friend, it was for freedom from the state and from the land."

Aug 20, 2007 20:10

Exciting things of late:

I GOT A FACEBOOK! Yet another online application to waste time with explore and enjoy!

I committed FIC. I just can't resist Mr Riddle and Miss B Black.

I have these amazing photoshop jobs to show you guys but photobucket it being retarded.

Next time. Maybe. If you beg.

In other news, stress pulls a sheer veil over the world so everything blurs and I can't think and I can't focus. But I'm doing alright. I finished Maths an hour and a half early and got the hard question that no one else got!

I'll update later when I have time!

Anyone else a Firefly *is watching right now*?

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