Tutorial #1 - Adriana Lima

Jun 01, 2008 16:28

My first ever tutorial so it's not anything major. Brightening up dark images. I used Adobe PhotoShop CS2 and it uses Curves.

in 3 easy steps.

Prepare your base as you normally would

1. Layers > New Adjuestment Layer > Curves

RGB: Input: 100
Output: 170

2. Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation

Saturation: +25 (Depends on your image. Please increase the saturation responsibly. I don't want you to end up with a grainy image)

3. Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Curves

RGB: Input: 115
Output: 135

And you're done! Other examples:

Have an image you like but isn't really dark enough and it ends up looking really light? There's a simple trick to that. Just duplicate your image and set it to multiply. Then adjust the fill responsibly until you get the outcome you want.



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