Aug 18, 2007 14:42
it all depends on what sort of insurance his boss has. From what I know, it's doubtful it was comprehensive. The Mountain Market where he works (and my other brother Ian used to) burned down last night.
The ONE weekend since I started working down here that I didn't go home. I don't know a lot of details like if they're going to rebuild or how or why it started. Why does everyone I tell about it ask me if they're going to rebuild? All I know is about the fire, not the owner's plans, if he's even had a chance to think about them.
Ian fought the fire. He's only been with West Brow about two months. I still haven't fought my first real structure fire. Training burns, while worthwhile, don't exactly count. It's got to be surreal - fighting the fire that's destroying the place you used to work and you still hang out because your brother works there? All I know is what my mom told me, what Ian told me in between knockdown and overhaul (he called me at 2:30 in the morning - Mom had called me at midnight), and what little my sister-in-law just told me a few minutes ago. And what I can imagine, which is quite a lot.
It burned for a long time - grease in the back, wine in the wine room, no one could get the gas shut off (they finally had to dig down and compress the gas line underground), and apparently some compressor blew up too. The City of Lookout Mountain fire department is stationed right behind the Market. I hear they lost an engine. Ian was on his way down the mountain with his girlfriend when he saw a Chattanooga fire truck heading up. The Chattanooga department never comes up the mountain. From what I understand there were at least five different departments/stations there. Lookout Mtn. GA, Lookout Mtn. TN, West Brow, Hinkle (Walker County Station 4), and Chattanooga. I don't know about any other, but that doesn't count the ambulances and the squad vehicles and probably all the cops in the area...I wish I could have been there.
Pray for the community - it was a very busy and very popular store. Some of the people who work there - who knows where else they could get a job. My brother Jared could get a job anywhere else probably, but this is hard on him.