Dec 17, 2007 23:20
Currently on the Ron chronicles...
Fall semester is over. I took my finals last week, and I think I did just fine. Yes I know I haven't been blogging and well I think I've said enough about that in some past entry. I'm just glad to update.
Rather, let me just look back and wax ardent on some accomplishments/unique endeavors:
1.) I did karaoke. Twice this semester. And I'm surprised that I actually love it. See Facebook pictures
2.) I watched two plays this semester. Now I'm in love with the concept of plays; it can actually be so much more fun and stimulating than TV...and maybe...just maybe, YouTube.
3.) I've gotten involved in campaigning for Recycling @ FIU. I've never felt so passionate about such an issue that is such a hassle to so many...and yet I still can't believe why its such an obscure and overlooked thing at my campus. My efforts with quite a few others has really tested my networking abilities and have met some new people that I'm so glad to meet who are so passionate about recycling as much as I am (I really thought and felt like I was the only recycler - a closet recycler - at FIU, but its great to have met other people and have culminated our efforts into what you might see as a "landfill" through the Green Library's Breezway...
4.) I worked for the school's newspaper, The Beacon, as a copy editor. At first the job was really annoying and I didn't feel it was all that I thought it would be, but I kinda grew on me (I was so passionate about doing this job after feeling so much contempt with many of the grammatical and proofreading errors I would see in many of the stories published in the Beacon and so wanted to rectify (or at least help fix) that.
5.) I never slept so little in my life over classes aside from this semester...and there are quite a few reasons why, but the main ones are work (I had 3 jobs! A-Team Tutoring, Desk Assistant, AND The Beacon). I also think its cause I just get into the mood/groove of doing work late at night for some reason...but yes I know its been such a bad habit and I hope not to perpetuate it next semester...(knocks on wood).
6.) A new Chipotle restaurant opened on S. Dixie Hwy (close to UM). I rejoiced.
7.) I tutored a LOT of people; more so than I've ever had to before. And in doing so I feel a bit...older. I mean, they were mainly freshman and I can just remember being in their shoes once and now it just glaringly reminds me how close I am to graduation...
And here are some downs of my semester:
1.) Took the MCAT a 2nd time in September and got...a score that is quite subpar. So so frustrated at myself for being such a chronically bad standardized test-taker. I remember it being like this with the SATs...I got it right on the 3rd time...and now I am wondering if history will repeat itself...?
2.) I ended up dropping my Anatomy lecture class...and so got my first DR grade in my undergraduate career at FIU. And why? Well because Professor Robert George only bases your grade on two exams - a midterm and a final. And I did quite average on the midterm that he was like "even if you get a 100 on my final, you will still get a B..." which was so disheartening. So yes, with such a grading scheme, it is a crapshoot. But I really liked him as a professor and so I did probably one of the weirdest things you could expect from an FIU student; I dropped the class but still continued to attend and act like I was still being graded and even took the final. Nobody has to know (unless yes they are reading this right now...). Anyways I've reregistered for the class next semester as it is being taught by Gomez and hope things will be a lot more manageable...I still learned a lot in George's class, nontheless.
3.) The final for Statistics for the Health Professions was straightforward at first, and then the last few questions were so slightly out of left-field. I hate to admit this...but yes I had to use a "cruch"...meaning I had a formula sheet and some HW problems I worked out earlier as reference to help me with the last few problems...I feel a little dirty about it inside but I really wanted an A in that class.
4.) I might end up taking waaaay more than 18 credits next semester b/c I have 9 credits to finish up for my sociology major, then 5 must be done for Spanish 2 (because my major is in the College of Arts & Sciences and they make us all adhere to that stupid language requirement rule of 2 semester of some language and not to be counted from what we did in high school unless it's AP or IB or you CLEP out). And then I have to take SIX credits of Honors because I am doing SRAI and it involves doing a 30 page research paper and presentation! Well I plan to use my California internship experience, but yes that is a tall order...And so furthermore, me taking 18 credits means I have to also cough up the dough in addition to enduring the torment in these classes.
5.) Florida Dept. of Education emailed me saying I'm only good for 17 more credits next semester. And this came at the time when it was announced in the news that they would subsequently raise tuition at all Florida public universities. Not only that, but the payout of 300 dollars per credit gets reduced to 225! Like what the hell?!?! So unfair, those Board of Governor or State University System of Florida people. They should be grateful and groveling at me for deciding to stay in FL to do my Batchelor's instead of me going to Vanderbilt University (Yes, I got accepted there) and this is what I get, right when I have one more semester to finish...what a way to graduate.
So I'm at home now just updating this blog and it has turned into Tuesday early morning (It's about 12:49AM as I finish typing this) but my work I know is not done. Priorities are round 3 for MCAT, make some headway with SRAI paper, and figure out how to pay for my last semester...oh and relax as much as I can.