Meta Month of March Round-up #2

Mar 20, 2012 10:15

Two weeks into the fest, we have 20 more pieces of meta for you! Collected below you will find all the meta posted since the last roundup, from both LJ and DW.

General Meta

amaresu: Building It Doesn't Always Mean They'll Come or So You Want To Start A Fandom ( LJ, DW)

blueswan: Create Your Own Fandom: A Fandom of One - Maybe Two (DW)
china_shop: Writing vs Vidding AKA how my creative brain works ( LJ, DW)

dagas_isa: Ten things about small fandoms (DW)

elf: What's the collective noun for kudos? (DW)
executrix: The Viennese Bitch Paradox ( LJ, DW)
jelazakazone: What I get out of rarely locking entries on LJ/DW ( LJ, DW)
lisal825: Musical Manipulation and TV Part II: Music - The Ultimate Spoiler ( LJ)

mecurtin: Getting reality in your TV: characterization, continuity, and competence (DW)
morganlucas41: Is it possible to watch a show from the beginning and love it all the way through? ( LJ)

podcath: Podfic as transformative works--Let me count the ways (DW)

sailorptah: From Sally to Sailor Moon to Princess Celestia - what makes a mahou shoujo? (DW)

sailorptah: Writing AUs: Why They Sometimes Suck, And How To Make Them Not (DW)

shinsengumi: Representing Video Game Mechanics in Fanfiction (DW)

snowynight: Confession from an asexual (fem)slasher (DW)

Fandom-specific Meta

Bioware/Western RPGs
alias_sqbr: Writing roleplaying game fic: Western RPGs and Bioware ( LJ, DW)

afterandalasia: Disney and the (Reverse) Bechdel: A Reconsideration ( LJ)


mecurtin: The Twilight Fanfic Industry (DW)

White Collar
veleda_k: The Women of White Collar (Are Made of Awesome) ( LJ, DW)


x_los: Meta Archive: Relevant to Your Interests? ( LJ)

Please let us know if your meta was mislinked, mislabeled, or accidentally left out, and we'll fix it ASAP!

!round-up, !admin

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