Hi guys! A while ago I started working on a project that I called "Make it Meta". Make It Meta will be an e-magazine that will be published using the free e-mag publishing site Issuu and plans to include meta about the issues and from a variety of fandoms. We also plan to include some fan art (Fan art was a relatively new idea and I'm still working on talking to people, let me know if you have anyone you think would be interested).
So why does any of this matter to you? Well, I would love to use your meta posts as articles in our first issue! If you think you would be interested in having your posts in this e-mag, please let me know by either PM or replying to this post with the following form. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!
How you would like to be credited: (either your LJ name, and pseudo, or anonymously)
Name of post:
Link to post: (if you have one)
Any other questions/comments/complaints/concerns:
Depending on how soon we get submissions and how long it takes us to put things together, we plan on getting this out sometime during April.
EDIT: Our new community
make_it_meta will be used to keep everyone up to date and let you know when we publish the magazine. Also, you can now submit your posts to makeitmeta@gmail.com!
If you would like to see some examples of what I'm considering doing, I'll put them behind the cut.
Quick Disclaimer: I've just taken a title from an old meta post and used dummy text.
Mod Team: Thank you so much for allowing us to do this! Also, my examples look different from the ones you may have seen because I was playing around last night and found new ways of displaying things that I really liked.