Meta Month of May 2013 - Final Round-up

Jun 01, 2013 20:33

The Meta Month of May 2013 is now over, and we'd like to thank everyone who participated. Whether you wrote meta, joined in discussions, spread word about the fest, or just read without commenting, we were very happy to have you. :)

There will probably be another fest next year, but in the mean time, just like last year; we're leaving this community open for posting. Please feel free to use it as a meta noticeboard - if you write a fannish meta post, you are invited and encouraged to post a link to it here! Rules are simple - meta must be written or co-written by you (i.e. please don't link to something written by someone else), open to comments, and posted on LJ and/or DW. Otherwise, it's all good!

And here is our final meta round-up! You can use the !round-up tag to browse previous round-up posts.

General Meta (not fandom-specific)

chordatesrock: Where "fanwork of" becomes "influenced by" (DW, LJ)

jelazakazone: Just what is gen fic vs romance? (DW, LJ)

Hope to keep seeing you around here!

!round-up, !admin

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