Meta Month of May - Signups

Apr 15, 2013 13:56

It's here! Time to sign up!

Before signing up, please read the rules. If you're looking for meta ideas (or some general pointers on what we mean by "meta") take a look at the meta plotbunny exchange: on LJ / on DW. (Note: this post contains different comments on LJ and DW, so you may wish to look at both.) There is also a list of meta resources here: on LJ / on DW. You can look back through last year's entries to see some of the things people posted about, or look at last year's signup sheet to see what it looks like filled out!

Posting dates and topics are not "first come, first serve" - more than one person can sign up for the same date, or for the same (or similar) topics. This is a low-pressure/no-pressure fest. You can sign up all the way until posting begins at the start of May, and there is no penalty for dropping out or posting on a day other than your assigned day.

May 1: alias_sqbr (Who's this "we", fandom?)
May 2: lunabee34 (Parenting the Fannish Child)
May 3: chordatesrock (People keep saying things about Toph and Teo that just aren't true)
May 4: tiny_white_hats (Parenting in the Buffyverse from a psychology perspective)
May 5: mizz_destiny (Non-typical Gender Roles in Renaissance Pictures productions/Sam Raimi-related media)
May 6: kriadydragon (Equal Opportunity Whump; also, possibly, what gen fans look for in gen fic)
May 7: frith-in-thorns ("But that's not what it's about!": Racism and classism as set-dressing in Bioshock Infinite)
May 8:
cosmicpretzel (The Hunger Games and the 21st century zeitgeist)
May 9: rileyc (Keeping Fandom Fun (tentative topic))
May 10: executrix (Seven Levels of Anonymity: some things that anonymity means within fandom)
May 11: books2thesky (Pink Pigtails: magical girl/dark magical girl friendships in three magical girl anime)
May 12: merryghoul (Sexuality and Burn Notice)
May 13: amaresu (Remixes, blanket statements, and fandom's double standard)
May 14: jelazakazone (Inspiration, acknowledgement, and creative excitement in fannish communities)
May 15:
nocowardsoul (Sansa Stark Isn't Stupid)
May 16: philstar22 (Love and Family in Legend of the Seeker/Sword of Truth)
May 17: mithen ("My Feels!": A Defense of Fannish Slang")
May 18: morganlucas41 (Blurring lines between fanon and canon, due to increased interaction between fandom and creators)
May 19: florastuart (White Collar, Why Kate Moreau Was Made of Awesome: An Illustrated Manifesto)
May 20: radondoran (Oaths in Asimov's Lucky Starr series)
May 21: babydraco (The Beatles and Spirituality)
May 22:
nike (On The Collision of Fannish Expectations, Allowances, Kinks, and Squicks in Rise Of The Guardians Fandom)
May 23: veleda_k (Masculinity and Femininity in White Collar)
May 24: eevilalice (Ambiguity and Clarity in Fic Writing)
May 25: chordatesrock (There is nothing wrong with happy endings)
May 26:
May 27:
glinda (Meta in (and about) Small (or 'Dead') fandoms)
May 28:
May 29: chordatesrock (Interrupting the life cycle of your fanac by disengaging from the canon)
May 30:
May 31: rijsg ("Do too many cooks really spoil the pot?" The advantages and disadvantages of having multiple writers or very few writers)

To sign up, comment to this post with the following information:

Preferred posting date:
Topic of meta:

Meta topics are not binding - you can change later, but it would be helpful (for us and you!) if you let us know what topic you're thinking about writing. (It doesn't matter if someone has already signed up for a similar topic; what you have to say about it will probably be different!)

This signup sheet is also posted on Dreamwidth and the list will be updated to reflect signups from both places.

Please ask if you have any questions, either in a comment or via PM to one of the mods: trobadora and sholio. Comments are NOT screened.

!sign-ups, !admin

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