Dec 25, 2005 12:31
Well, I called Italy this morning and talked to my Italian family. Dina answered the phone and you could hear the joy when she realized it was me. (gooshy smile) We "Buon Natale"d and "Tanti Auguri"d and she passed me off to Alice. She thanked me for my Christmas card and I thanked her for her (non-existent) one. She told me she's living in Modena now, with some guy named Roberto. Good for her! I asked after some friends, Marco is living with a woman in Cento. (pout) Alice saw Lenzi a few months ago, she hadn't seen him in ages and ran into him while she was working as a temp in an office building. They said surprised "ciao" s. She said that she heard even though he's married that he company with ladies of the evening. Lenzi,Lenzi,Lenzi....(shakes head)I told her that I'm planning on going there in July or August. She said she can't wait. Brunello is back living at home. Huh. Wonder why he finally decided to leave New York? I asked after Clara and Giovanni, and Alice said that they had split up. A little sad to hear that. They'd been married for over 10 years. I could hear Dina and Vanni in the background saying that Clara lived in an apartment in Renazzo now. We said our "Buon Natale" s and Alice passed me over to Vanni. He surprised me by saying "Ciao carissimo!" (gooshy inside) Awww... We had our regular stilted conversation, my Italian is getting rustier, and of course his English is non-existent. (understands it somewhat, doesn't speak any) Told him I'm coming this summer,welcomed me to come. He returned me to his mother, I asked if I could stay at the house when I come, she said I could stay with the dogs! Ha ha Dina! I told her, "No way". I asked after Modesto, he's fine. We "auguri"d and said our "ciao"s and that was that. Have a pleasant, warm feeling in my belly right now. What a nice way to start Christmas!