(no subject)

Mar 13, 2010 14:20

Georgia considering outlawing abortions based on race, gender

The state cannot be allowed to decide what reasons are okay for medical procedures. My books are in storage right now, so I can't cite it but in my Boundaries of her Body: The History of Women's Rights in America it details the cases also found in the news on women prosecuted for refusing C-sections strictly because it was deemed a stupid reason. This isn't okay, we can't decide a surgery isn't okay based on the reasons behind it, that is literally thought policing and it gets us into an area of having to refuse women seeking abortions if a boyfriend says it's because of the race or she says that's part of her reason but not all of it. I can't tell you how many women I saw say they'd had multiple partners of varying races and if the child was of one man she would abort but not the other because she didn't want people to see the child and know she had cheated and yes it makes me uncomfortable and no I don't like it but I don't like the million reasons people give anyway. I don't like that women have ABs because they can't be "tied" to an abusive partner because I don't like that she's even in that situation. I don't like that women have them because of divorce, I don't like that they have them because of money, I don't like that they have them because they're in school, because I don't like that people demonize women who have abortions but aren't willing to give help to stop the situation that put them against that decision, nobody likes medicaid and nobody wants to be taxed to support it and nobody wants to vote for affordable birth control. The whole thing is such a shit bag scenario every time an abortion happens and I hate to pull out the slippery slope but nobody that proposes these ideas seems to consider the second and third steps, we have to start scrutinizing the reasons for every abortion ever had.

Doctors and abortion care workers do not go to the homes of black women and ask "Hey there, any knocked up black ladies in here? Have I got a deal for you!" They come to us, the patients come to us. How many black women are actually going to doctors saying "Oh I'm having my abortion because I don't want a black child?" I don't know. I doubt many. I had never experienced that in my time in clinic. What they're worried about is doctors preying on black women which is such a nonsense idea, but it goes back to believing women are inherently stupid and if they're pregnant that's only further dumbing them down so they don't really want abortions and they don't really want to avoid motherhood and if they just knew what they were doing and if everyone else would stop talking them into it, they wouldn't have any! Women just dont' know what they want and it's doctors that are talking them into it, nobody wants to believe it's possible for a woman to find out she's pregnant, think on it, pray on it, possibly discuss with loved ones and still arrive at the conclusion that an abortion is her best option.

So we have to believe black Georgian women are having abortions more than white women not because of healthcare disparities, not because of birth control cost issues, not because they have a higher rate of child sex abuse which does in fact lead to higher incidents of risky sexual behavior, not because of financial disparities, none of these things (that are logical and KNOWN TO PLAGUE THE BLACK COMMUNITY REGARDLESS OF THE REGION,) could Possibly be the problem, the problem is doctors are bad people. Great. Good job Georgia, ignoring the issues leading to your "statistical disparities" and skipping right to the much-less-logical cause. Enjoy wasting everyone's money to pass this and finding out the numbers don't change much.

Hey there disjointed thought process! I'm off to work, I know this was all over the place.
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