Сирийская оппозиция в Болгарии

May 29, 2012 01:20


Burn Shafiq, not buildings #Egypt

NICE! Protestors burn and ransack Shafiq's campaign headquarters http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/protestors-burn-and-ransack-shafiqs-campaign-headquarters

@MaliciaRogue who`s care kill Shafiq now :)

Historic meeting of the Syrian opposition near Sofia
About 40 representatives of the Syrian opposition, from the Syrian National Council, Kurdish National Council and the National Bloc of the Syrian tribes gathered near Sofia, united in their purpose to improve their co-ordination, so as to bring an end to the bloodshed and to achieve regime change in Syria. The summit in Sofia was the first such event to bring together the three main opposition groups.

терроризм, Сирия, Египет, политика, Болгария

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