Room 422, the Arms Hotel, Saturday evening

Dec 29, 2007 22:21

There were times that Mary really missed having her two closest girlfriends to talk to, and this was one of them. So she picked up the phone and took a chance on calling Delinda at home.

"Mary! It's so good talking to you. I miss talking like we used to," said Delinda, sounding a little weepy.

There was some mumbling in the background as Sam complained about Delinda's hormones.

"Is Sam there too? Can you have her get on the call also? I could really use both of you guys right now," said Mary.

There was more talking in the background before Delinda came back. "Okay, Sam's picking up the other line right now. So, are you going to tell us all about this new boyfriend of yours?"

"He's wonderful," said Mary, getting a faraway look in her eyes. "I can't remember when I was ever this happy with anyone else. I think I really screwed up, though. Yesterday he told me that he loved me, and I... I just couldn't say it back. Now he's upset with me."

Sam frowned at Delinda, though Mary obviously couldn't see that. "Wait a minute. He's already saying the L word? How long have you two been dating?"

"We first met in September and started dating right after Halloween," said Mary.

"So, after two months this guy is already in love with you?" asked Sam skeptically. "Don't you think you're rushing things just a bit?"

"I think it's really sweet, Mary. Don't listen to Sam. She's just bitter because she doesn't understand what it means to be in love," said Delinda.

"Don't listen to Delinda. That's the hormones talking. She thinks everything is sweet these days," complained Sam.


"No fighting," Mary automatically chimed in.

"I think the important thing to ask is do you love him, Mary?" asked Delinda

"I think I do," said Mary. "He is just amazing! Right after we started seeing each other, there was a big flu outbreak on the island and I ended up getting sick enough that they kept me in the makeshift hospital. George Michael actually slept on the floor next to my cot so he could be there when I woke up. Then there's the crazy rich lady who offered him $800 to sleep with her. He turned her down flat and told her to leave him alone."

"He sounds like a keeper, Mary," agreed Delinda. "$800 doesn't sound like a lot by Vegas standards, but..."

"Are you kidding? This is a guy we're talking about, D. Most men will sleep with a moderately-attractive woman for less than that," said Sam, cutting Delinda off. "Now, Mary, the real important consideration is how good he is in bed."

Mary just started giggling. "I have no complaints."

"Then what's stopping you from telling him how you feel?" asked Delinda.

"I told you, D. The sun will always rise in the east and Mary Connell will always be in love with Danny McCoy," said Sam.

There was an awkward silence before Mary spoke up. "I will always care for Danny, but there's no chance of us ever getting back together. He's all yours now, Delinda. I've moved on with my life. I haven't actually spoken to Danny since I left."

"You haven't?" asked an incredulous Sam. "That's... wow. I mean, I know you were both moving on, but I just can't imagine you two not staying in contact."

"He doesn't know where she is, Sam, and he doesn't want to know," Delinda pointed out. "Remember that detective from Metro who was pretty much stalking Danny, trying to find out where Mary was hiding?"

"Come on, you don't think they're still looking for Mary?" asked Sam.

"Why wouldn't they be looking for me? I'm still wanted for murder, right?" asked Mary. There was a click and the line went dead.

delinda, places: 422, samantha jane, phone call

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