Jun 26, 2008 17:27
I've graduated, and gotten my Bachelors degree. Certified Bachelor, thats me. I worked hard for that, and it's a pretty little piece of paper that I can stick on my wall. Question is...where do I go from here? The Ole Miss proposition had looked so beautiful, but even that has gotten more and more bleak as time has gone on. I guess I expected the place to go 'Oh wow, this guy rocks! Let's give him lots of money!' Isn't working out like that. Hewitt suggests I go back to ULM and get my Masters degree in Mass Communication, or some field related to it. I don't really want to go back to ULM for more schooling. I want to go somewhere else, even though I could basically get it free of charge. I've spent my time there and i'd rather get my next degree from a different place than the first one.
It wouldn't be so bad if I could see the door opening in front of me. Maybe the doors are opening, but its dark in the room and I cant see a thing. It feels as if i'm stumbling through a room and searching for some way to get to the next phase of life. I'd love to get my Masters degree, thats what I really want to do. I've still got State Department testing in mid-July, we will have to see where that goes. I hear that 30% of the people who take that test pass it. It discouraged me a bit at first, but I know that i'm good at it and that I have a fine shot of passing the exam. Looking for a masters degree program to get into started off as a back-up plan but turned into the main plan. It isn't really working out all that well.
I guess that i'm scared to get out into the real world, in a way. I'm also nervous that I won't be taken seriously by anyone in the field unless I have at least a Masters degree. That, and I always thought it would be great to have my Doctorate by age 25. Now...I just don't know. The doors seemed closed in front of me, save for the State Department testing.
Still haven't found work. Applied to many places, never heard back from any of them. I've got this stubborn streak that causes me not to call places and ask them about my application. I feel as if they should be calling me, i'm a very good person and would be good at anything I put my mind to. I won't beg for a job. Not unless I have to, of course.
Weather has been excellent. Not as good as the Summers in the South, but they will do.
Jazz Rocks.