History is really interesting. I challenge anyone who thinks it isn't. And the odd thing is, stuff happens that you sometimes never realised at all. For example, did you know British soldiers entered and burned down Washington D.C in 1814? I didn't even know they had more than one war. And sometimes there are things where the circumstances appear amusing in retrospect; like that the US aquired Florida from Spain, in return for 'retracting any claims over Texas'. And then there's the bizzare. Apparently Canada was originally known as the Dominion of Canada when it became confederated in 1867? Dominion! Mwahaha. Mine is an evil laugh.
1. What is oddest concoction of food you've had, and enjoyed? While making cake mix one time I realised what makes it taste good is butter and sugar. So I tried making a butter & sugar sandwich. It wasn't that bad actually.
2. When people spend the night at your house, do they tend to make a mess? Rik did, but now he lives here, so he has to clean it.
3. Do you mind washing dishes? Not really.
4. Would you take a job bagging groceries? Not if I could help it, although right now I'm hardly picky. If the RAF don't want me, though, I don't know who will.
5. Can you pull off chandeliar or hoop earrings? No
6. Is it true that if you can't stare into somebody's eyes, you are lying? There's always exceptions because people differ.
7. What is your most useful cooking appliance? The hob
8. Do you get pissed off or laugh it off when somebody tries to pull "pranks" on you while you are asleep? Unless they're harmless, I do consider it kinda low
9. What is the longest amount of time you've been with a friend? You mean continuously? Probably one of the guys from Uni, like Rik or Matt.
10. When was the last time you swallowed a pill? Few days back.
11. What kind of sound does your stomach make when you're hungry? Like the death of a bear.
12. Do you use agendas/planners for school? I used to, but organisationally speaking I was considered a lost cause
13. Are there any family photographs hanging on your wall? Nope. I like bare walls
14. Who hasn't changed and stays immature+annoying? The people that write these things
15. Is the Lion the best character in the Wizard of Oz? No, the Lion's weak
17. Do you ever buy stuff from Amazon.com? I bought something off Amazon.co.uk. Buying it from the .com here would just be daft.
18. When was the last time you heard an ambumlance? Am...bum...lance? *has a giggling fit*
19. Are there any air fresheners plugged into any outlets, around? WTHAB?
20. What show does everyone seem to talk about, yet you know nothing of it? The OC
21. What does your computer do(n't do) that pisses you off? So many, many things
22. Type a word that hints something you are too embarrased to reveal: Berets
23. Do you own a Jansport backpack? Egh? O.O
24. How many cookbooks does your mom own? Mind your own business
25. Does she actually use them? Is it normal to stalk your mother?
26. Do the leftovers (food) always go to waste? These days, I wouldn't know.
27. Have you ever seen a duck and baby chicks cross a street? This is Bolton. They'd get mugged.
28. Could you eat pb+j sandwiches for 4 days straight? What, continuously? O_O
29. How about grilled cheese for 4 days? Gee, doesn't sound that hard.
30. What song is on your xanga/myspace at this moment? Fuck MySpace in the ear
31. What kind of hair accesories do you use? You mean like a crown?
32. Are you ignorant about the economy, politics, environment, etc? Oh, you mean 'News'? No, unless it's the irrelevant tabloid shit that nobody needs to know.
33. How many hours and minutes til it's 3:14PM? The pointlessness of this outweighs the effort of calculation by a long way
34. What away message do you use the most? "Probably elsewhere". Covers all bases.
35. What is your favourite home-made present? Gosh, I never really thought about it.
36. Do you believe in the Pangea theory? Pangea theory? If that's meant to be the Theory of Evolution, then yes it seems the most likely explanation. If it's referring to some kind of theorum behind how the continents began... I wasn't aware of any other sensible hypotheses.
37. What do you know about cloning that sheep, Dollie? Are you with the government? I didn't clone anything. Honest.
38. Do you watch TV Land? It would seem not.
39. How long can you go without drinking anything? Apparently, approximately three days. I've never tested my own limit, due to the fact I have a low interest in dying at this present time.
40. Can you crack your toes? With almost every step. It annoys the hell outta my dad.
41. Who is on vacation right now? Interesting question. I'd imagine maybe 2% of the world's population?
42. Would you give acupuncture a try if you were sick? I suppose. I'm not gonna try it because I'm on fire.
43. Do you know what the slang term naeem means? Nah.
44. If not, go to urbandictionary.com and find out. Do you know what it means now? No, because I can't be bothered checking.
45. What gets you horny? Pleated skirts. Girls in uniform. Other things.
46. What do you do to make your papers for school seem more lengthy? Double-spacing action, or failing that triple-spacing action
47. Talk about a recent inside joke: Well Matt pretended to be in this drug ring, then they did some deal and Rik drove up in a van and I came down in a helicopter and we put three guys in the morgue, and then- oh, wait... JOKE. Sorry. Thought it said job >.>
48. How many different area codes have you lived in? Meh. 7 or 8?
49. Do you own a myspace/xanga layout site? No, nor do I plan to
50. Do you like your pens and pencils with or without the grip? Well... actually I don't notice.
xx.Tell me about that time you broke that law!: OMG! I copied a game. Or downloaded something. Man, I don't know.
xx.What or who pisses you off?: Text-speak. Mobile phones. Xmas shopping.
xx.Would you rather date a sissy or a homebody?: Neither?
xx.Sex or drugs or breaking stuff?: Sex!
xx.The Clash or The Ramones?: Uh, well I've only heard the Clash.
xx.What do you think about Anarchy?: Well, I think its... uh, it's nice. Yeah.
xx.Tell me about a prank you played!: Dave and I once blocked up the doorway of Rik's room with carboard and duct tape. He broke out though, dammit!
xx.Do you do things that are "bad for your body"?: Shit, these days even Salad can kill you if you believe all you hear
xx.How many times have/were you kicked out of some place?!: Refused plenty of times, but not kicked out that I can recall
xx.Are you in trouble all the time?: Nah
xx.You nice, or Cocky?: A bit of both
xx.You a sissy, or you tough?: I'm tougher than I look
xx.Do you want to die?: Hmmmn. No, not right now.
xx.What do you think about graveyards?: They're alright, uncomfortable to sleep in though
xx.Do you write poetry often?: Not often, usually for fiction
xx.How much black clothing do you own?: I tend to wear dark/earthy tones frequently
xx.What type of makeup do you wear?: None
xx.What do you think about pain?: It has uses.
xx.Masochism or sadism?: I've never understood the difference
xx.How do you feel about the rest of the world?: Mixed.
xx.Do you cry often?: No
xx.What do you think about vampires?: Can be anything from erotic to bizarre
xx.Do you slit your wrists?: Never really been my thing
xx.Is your bedroom all black?: No, it's a kind of beige-cream colour
xx.With dead things hanging from the ceiling?: Sure. Why not?
xx.With black satin bed sheets, and blanket on your bed?: It's blue cotton.
xx.Do you enjoy depressing music?: I listen to music matching my mood, so it depends how I feel. Whiney music tends to irritate me though. I don't care about fucking whiney musicians failed love lives.
xx.What makes you sigh?: Various things. Mostly idiocy, irony and irritation.
xx.How many hours a day do you spend feeling sorry for yourself?: I try to avoid it
xx.Who or what always brings you down?: The stupidity of the public.
xx.Do you wear glasses with black thick rims?: Don't wear any at all.
xx.What frightens you?: The thought of missing out on things
xx.Do you wear sweaters all the time? Not lately. Too hot.
xx.What makes you tick?: Swallowing a timebomb
xx.How many times has your heart been broken?: It's been pumping fine as far as I know
xx.What do you think of Dashboard Confessional?: It's a dumb name
xx.How messy are you in general?: Messier than I want to be
xx.Do you bang your head on things?: Not really
xx.When did you start drinking alchohol?: Meh, don't remember. When I wanted to try it
xx.Do you go to concerts often?: No. Live music isn't my bag
xx.What bands rock your pants off?: Muse, Prodigy, The Like, Dream Theater, The Police, Jefferson Airplane
xx.What do you think about violence?: It's a natural facet of life
xx.Who or what makes you homicidal?: Certain dregs of society make the notion tempting
xx.Worship Satan or practice black magic?: Mr. Satan is lame. But black magic would be cool if it actually worked.
xx.How wild are you in general?: I'm too laid back to be wild.
xx.Are you wearing any clean clothes right now?: I'm nekkid =O! But I was a minute ago. Now I'm getting ready for bed.
xx.How often do you do the laundry, anyway?: When I have no clothes left
xx.Do you wear flannel shirts a lot?: I dunno what they are, to be honest
xx.When was the last time you showered?: This morning (technically yesterday now)
xx.Do you speak clearly? Yeah, but my accent is a blend of several so I can be hard to follow
xx.Are you a lazy person?: I can be
xx.Do you play any instruments?: No, although I tried a few
xx.Who or what do you rant about a lot?: Games, insects, the public
xx.Empathy or Sympathy?: Empathy.
xx.What do you think about Nirvana?: Take em or leave em
xx.What makes you different from the rest of them?: I'm an alien.
xx.Who or what makes you bitter?: People that get everything by screwing it up for everyone else
xx.What was the last big decision you made?: The decision to join the Royal Air Force, after finding out I failed to get the job at Evo. Possibly defining the rest of my life. That was, uh, yesterday.
xx.Are you a happy-go-lucky type of person?: In some ways, yes. I like to let things happen
xx.What do you think about conformity?: Kinda boring, but ultimately easier and safer
xx.How hard do you work to get what you want?: Hard as it takes
xx.What do you resent?: The notion that celebrities are important somehow
xx.Why might some people consider you to be an asshole?: I am blunt, unsociable and unconventional
xx.Do you trust others?: Generally
xx.Are you a loyal friend?: I think so
xx.Do you live in the ghetto?: Not far off
xx.Have you ever even held a gun before?: Not yet
xx.How much of that cheesy ass "bling" do you own?: I once had some plastic rings off Dan for my birthday, fo shizzle
xx.Would you rather be uhh "bustin' caps" or rollin' joints?: Ooooh. Um, let's see. Now, if I were... as you put it "bustin' caps", I might get into trouble with the old bill. On the other hand, if the joints I was rollin' were illegal substances, I might get up to three years, possibly more. Oh fuck it, I'd rather write shit music. Oh, wait.
xx.Big butts or big boobs?: Breasts. I never got the butt facination.
xx.What's your best pickup line?: You have breasts!
xx."Fo' Sho" or "Yeah, son"?: Sho. Do I win a prize?
xx.What race are most of your friends?: Human. Poor fucks.
xx.Ever been to prison?: I might've visited one once on a trip or something. But I doubt it.
xx.Who or what makes you so excited you piss your pants?: Nothing.
xx.Prep or Yuppie?: I'll have a large whippy in a double cone and a flake, please
xx.How much money do you spend on bad music?: None, because anything 'bad' I download if I need it.
xx.Justin Timberlake or Nick Carter?: Which one should be castrated with an angry swan? Answers on the back of a postcard...
xx.Do you like mainstream music?: Meh, I like songs on a by-song basis. I couldn't give a monkeys about genre.
xx.How many times, on average, do you say "like" in a sentence?: 0.3899267822
xx.Ditzy or just plain stupid?: Who, me? Fuck you!