Jan 10, 2005 13:04
It's sad how that is...but there are somethings that aren't appreciated until they are gone.
For instance, right now - I'm appreciating (more than most of you will know) a few hours of kid free, school free, obligation free time. I have noone to entertain, talk with other than me (and of course LJ).
This morning, I appreciated waking up (again) with no headache. I woke up earlier in the morning (3:00) with a headache from hell. In fact, I had a dream about the headache and how I had something important I needed to do and I couldn't get the medicine to work for my headache. Woke up, realized I really did have one...and it was bad. Took medication, went back to bed, slept around 4:30...thankfully woke up pain free although possibily a bit muddle headed. Yea for pain free heads!
On other news...the temperature is about to plunge. By Wednesday/Thursday they are predicting the highs to be -20. I guess some would say Hell has frozen over (those who don't like North Dakota and Montana for sure!). As I said before, at least I'm not paying for heat - but this is ridiculous. Unfortunately the heat in the apartment is difficult to regulate (it's either fricking hot, or freezing) and for some reason, I can't seem to keep my feet warm even in my slippers. There must be a draft along the floor, but I haven't found it yet.
I'm off to enjoy some more peace and quiet...I think I will watch some more CSI season I...although I do have to say for those of us with vivid imaginations, watching CSI when you life alone can be hazardous to mental well being.