Oct 12, 2004 20:55
I received my absentee ballot in the mail the other day, and I have sat down and voted. Signed and sealed the envelope, stamped it, and it's ready to mail. I will slid it into the mail box at school tomorrow. I had to go look up the voter pamphlet information as it didn't come with one, but I feel reasonably sure that I answered well.
I know that voting is a privilege, and one I take seriously at least for state politics. While I cast my vote for president - I don't for an instant believe that it actually has an impact. The electoral college decides who will be president - not the people (as evidenced in the last election)...besides, they already know who will be president before the polls even close on the West Coast.
But...my vote does count for my state, county, and city polls...I hadn't heard that they were trying to bring back cyanide leaching for the gold and silver mines until I read this...It should be an interesting election. I look forward to hearing the results.
Oh well...off to study more communication disorders.