Last night I was getting ready for bed and on my way down the hallway to the bathroom, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a flash of movement in the dimly lit hallway. I figured it was a moth fluttering along the floor; we've had tons of moths lately, for whatever reason. Then it moved again, when I had my full attention focused on it, and while the movement was familiar, it very definitely wasn't fluttery.
It was hoppy.
Guys, there was a tiny little frog in my hallway last night! Its body was about 1-1/2 inches long, but I don't know if it was some kind of little tree frog that was fully grown, or if it was a post-tadpole baby frog or what.
I caught it in a plastic cup, slid a bit of thin cardboard underneath to keep it secure, and took it outside to let it go in the yard, far away from the house. If I'd had the makings of a terrarium, I would've kept it; it was just that cute.
I still can't help wondering, though, how the heck it got in in the first place.
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