Ladies and Gentlefolk, Just a friendly reminder that, unlike you lucky lot, I will not be able to watch CSI at the same time as the rest of you. I'm a poor smuck living in the U.K had will have to wait to DL it before I can watch it.
With this in mind, please be aware that my muses connected to the CSY lot (canon or OC) well be late in replying to any canon posts made the night of the show.
This will include Lindsay, Adam
waaaah_dup, Luka
sound_upstairs and Emily
more_than_5 specifically.
I've no idea whether people will want to include elements of the show in our verses (non canon ones) but if you think they'll work I'm all for it.
Danny mun and I have already decided that we wont be including what happens to Danny in any verse accept canon (even the one we play out where they have Lucy as we've moved in on a good few months).
So yeah. Questions? Comments?
Otherwise I'll have my guys join in when I've seen the show.