(no subject)

Mar 24, 2009 02:31

Alright. So now that I have a little bit of extra time, I'll post more about what happened with baby... especially since maybe the posts I made from my phone had issues.

Natashia went to the hospital and was induced at 12:30. At 8:30pm they decided to have a C-Section, because there were bad things happening with the baby's heart rate, and they think the placenta was failing. There was also a cord being pressed somewhere. Scarlett Mariah Cuddy Juhlin was born at 8:51 pm. She had a few breathing problems at first, and Natashia's blood pressure dropped and other things happened, but everyone is just fine now, and she is absolutely beautiful. She was 6 lbs, 1 oz, 18 1/2 inches long.

Now the fun part! Pictures!!

There's more pictures of tashia at the hospital at http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v138/monstrrr/Hospital/

And more pictures of Scarlett at http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v138/monstrrr/Scarlett/
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