Title: Brief Lives (8/?)
Author: monstrousreg
Word count: 3339
Warnings: None in this chapter.
Pairing: Erik/Charles.
Summary: Erik thinks he's going to seduce, interrogate and murder some nondescript CIA intelligence agent, and winds up biting more than he can chew. Charles is not keen on being murdered, he doesn't favor interrogations, and he's
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You know, I'm glasd you picked up on that. Erik *is* being patient... a little too patient, right? Who'd believe Erik Lehnsherr would have it in him to have so much tenderness for someone like Charles? I was actually going to go over this a few chapters later, but I think now is a good as moment as any, so maybe the next chapter will address your concerns, hopefully satisfactorily.
I agree with you on the beggining of this chapter. I don't like it. But as much as I turned over with it I couldn't find a way to fix it. The size limitations that LJ forces on the chapters are killing me, I'm not used to working with that, not that it's any sort of excuse. I think maybe that's one of the reasons I need a beta, she could have told me 'hey, this part sucks! FIX IT NOW, maybe like this' before I posted.
I'm not happy with this chapter. The main idea in it did come across, but the satellite issues it was supposed to deal with were dealth with poorly. It think it's my weakest yet, and hopefully will be the weakest all around.
Anyway, enough rambling--sorry to have disappointed this time around =( And thanks for poiting everything out.
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