(no subject)

Jun 16, 2010 16:40

What's with me and underwear? But oh man.. the ones I see is so O_o.. menggeramkan.

Today's weather is perfect or what. But I know what Mon would say:

"Somewhere some country is having a thunderstorm." -_-

But it's ok. I'm finally at the right place at the right time i.e. not at work doing opening. Wao best sleep-in ever. You know how I know? Cos I slept through it all and woke up just in time as the rain was letting up. Best walk to Woodlands Mart ever too despite the broken pink umbrella.

It didn't matter cos I got to play in a big puddle. Well, play here means just walk in it and get my feet wet. Hm

Be a geek and get comics or a slut and get bustiers?

HAHAHAHAH I'm sorry I couldn't resist.

ARR Fuck. They don't ship to Singapore.

We're a countrrrrryyyyyyyy which assliiiickkkkks youurrrssss. Please, saya nak kasot lawa. Please.
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