(no subject)

Nov 07, 2001 13:59

I can't believe I actually took the time to do this.
took from: punkpuke

[001]What is your REAL name [real, meainging the name you were born with, not some punk "rawk" name that appeared in your head while taking a shit]?: Crystal Lynn Tew
[002]Are you cold?: just right
[003]How old are you, or how old do you wish you were?: 17... 17.
[004]Do you like cheese?: yes.
[005]Are hamburgers truely gifts from the gods?: hell no.
[006]If given the choice between being disemboweled or having to wear only a loin cloth for the rest of your life, which would you choose?: hmmm neither.
[007]Is math really THAT bad?: nawh...I like to pretend it is though.
Would you rather listen to:
[008]The Devotchkas or Oi Polloi?: Devotchkas.
[009]Slayer or the Oi Scouts?: neither.
[010]Blanks 77 or the Sex Pistols?: Pistols.
[011]The Last Resort or The Templars?: Who?
[012]Judge Dread or Desmond Dekker?: .... who?
[013]DMX or Wu Tang?: WU TANG!
[014]Crass or Britney Spears?: BRITNEY!!!!!!!!!!!
[015]The Clash or The Ramones?: Clash.
[016]The Genitorturers or The Plasmatics?: Wendyyy O Williams & the Plasmaticsss
[017]Choking Victim or The Leftover Crizack?: Are you making these band names up?

[018]Seinfeld or 3rd Rock?: 3rd Rock
[019]Cliffhanger or Rocky III?: yuck.
[020]Star Wars or Star Trek?: TREEEEKSIDEEEEEEEEEE (I guess you had to be there.. hah.)
[021]CNN or BBC?: CNN, fuck england.
[022]Why do people still like Crass?: Why are you asking me?
[023]Are you an "anarchist" or does your brain actually function properly?:
[024]Are you vegan?: exvegan
[025]If so, why do you still wear leather?: I didn't when I was a vegan.
[026]Are you a hypocrite [if you answer no to this you:re a liar. LIAR!]: Duh.
[027]Is bin Laden really such a bad guy?: shrug.

Who:s worse?
[028]bin Laden or Hitler?: Hitler likes deers, I have pictures.
[029]Bush or Gore?:Crystal and president bush sittin in a tree... kay eye es es eye in gee!
[030]Stalin or Castro?: Hehe... I use to have a crush on this guy who lives down the road from me... and his last name is Castro... and yeh.
[031]Fred Durst or Mussolini?: I like red hats and I can not lie! all you other brothers can't deny!
[032]Bill Gates or Saddam Hussien?: Oh Billyyyyyyyy, I think I'd have cute babies if Billy Gatesy was the daddio
[033]Is PokeMon cool, or what?: I FUCKIN LOVEEEEE POKEMONNNN
[034]Soy cheese is gross, don:t you agree?: Soy is godsent.
[035]Is leopard or zebra print nicer?: leopppppppard
[036]Would you rather smoke crack or do "e"?: .... how about a GOOD drug?
[037]Would you rather eat a maggot or use a moldy retainer?: like gross!
[038]Would you rather be a librarian or a garbageman?: librarian!
[039]Why are feminists so angry?: Because society is full of women suppressing scum!
[040]What is the meaning of life?: To grow.
[041]Would you rather be catholic or jewish?: agnosticcccccccc.
[042]Is swiss cheese better than brie?: Fuck Yeh!

Star Wars!
[043]Which is better, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi or Episode I [if you say Episode I, I will kill you]?: star trek forever.
[044]How annoying is Jar Jar?: ....
[045]Princess Leia or Queen Amidala?: ndskndks
[046]Luke or Han?:jmajska
[047]Darth Vader or Darth Maul?: I could never actually sit through star wars.
[048]The Emperor or Yoda?: yaksnka
[049]C3PO or R2D2?: robotlove<3
[050]Chewbacca or Jabba?: I was once called chewbacca :(
[051]Hoth or Endor?: who?
[052]Would you rather pod race like Anakin or kill Qui Gon like Darth Maul?::/
[053]Did Darth Maul get cut in half or did his cape fall off?: jFUCKKK
[054]Is this really "intense"?:
[055]Would you rather be a stormtropper or a rebel?:
[056]How great is Star Wars?:
[057]Was Episode I really worth seeing twice in the theatre?:
[058]Do you sew?: Alll the timeee
[059]If given the chance, would you eat Fugu (pufferfish): Fuck no.
[060]Would you rather be a sardine or a chicken?: No animal meat for this girl.
[061]Do you take the time to spike your hair?: when I'm bored:/
[062]If so, why?: Cause I can?
[063]Would you rather be goth or emo?: haha, emo but listen to goth music.
[064]Isn't Indiana Jones great?: ...
[065]What period of history would most describe your life?: The great depression, Oh god how emo was that?! hahaha.
[066]Would you rather have no teeth or no ears?: I want both.
[067]Have you ever eaten Plankton?: ...maybe.
[068]Would you rather be Christopher Reeve or Elian Gonzalez?: Elian.... atleast he can move.
[069]Is Jesus really such a bad guy?: My dad once ate lunch with jesus.
Who would you rather be?
[070]Archie or Jughead?: Archiiiie
[071]Betty or Veronica?: Bettyy
[072]A moose or George Washington?: George!!!!
[073]The Queen or Prince William?: Princey poo... I bet he gets all the hot chicks.
[074]God or Jesus?: I am god.
[075]Would you rather have leprosy or the black plague?: Leprosy is cureable?
[076]Did punk die as soon as Sid did?: ....
[077]Is GG Allin the man?: hell no. fuck him.
[078]Or are you a radical angry feminist who listens to Huggy Bear and the Indigo Girls, so therefore you think GG is "bad"?: ... wow you caught me.
[079]Or do you have no idea who he is?: Duh.. who doesn't know?
[080]Would you get a genital piercing?: If I was drunk enough..
[081]Should we give peace a chance?: if you say so.
[082]Why does everyone like Guy Richie films?: Fuck if I know..
[083]What kind of name is Guy, anyway?: Guy is an okay name... better than like... billy... or ray.. or cyrus.
[084]What is the best war movie?: MASH? wait... Tv show.... still I stand at MASH.
[085]Is U571 better than Pearl Harbour?: ...
[086]Why was Pearl Harbour so bad?: Too Long?
[087]Who:s better, Marilyn Monroe or Bettie Page?: Betttie Page.
[088]Who:s better, Siouxsie or Nina Hagen?: SIOUXSIE!
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