No big deal. I just woke up from an epic, gruesome nightmare that tied It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia in with Final Fantasy VII. Basically, Paddy's Pub was an AVALANCHE base, and Charlie had somehow come across the cloning technology Shinra use throughout the series and had made a series of clones of himself for some reason. At some point one of the clones went a little insane and killed the original Charlie, but was racked with remorse and had spent the past several years trying to make a clone suitable to act as a vessel for the original Charlie. There probably wasn't any way this was going to work, and was just a manifestation of that clone's insanity.
All sorts of other nonsense transpired which is fading in my memory. There was an epic fight in the sewers between Cloud and Angeal. AVALANCHE had run afoul of other gangs in Midgar/Philadelphia (which I can't remember clearly, but seemed to be lifted from Saints Row, Saints Row 2, The Warriors, Riot Act, San Andreas, et cetera) and needed to muscle a lot of them out to protect their own interests.
The clone subplot ran really deep and kept gradually and brilliantly revealing itself through plot twists which made perfect sense in the dream, and which now I just can't remember. There were some clones of Frank and Luthor and other clones of Charlie, and it eventually became clear that the Charlie seen on the show was a failed clone but also the most integral vestige of the original Charlie, and was struggling against the insane leader Charlie clone, whom he didn't understand didn't understand TV-show Charlie was as close to real Charlie as cloning could restore, and who largely manipulated TV-show Charlie into doing most of the things he did as part of his own insane master plan.
There were severely degraded clones of Charlie and Frank, and one really gruesomely mutated clone that was barely past its infant stages that TV-show Charlie referred to as his daughter.
And there was an unending litany of chase scenes and brutal fights, some in the style of Final Fantasy VII, and some disturbingly realistic.
The crux of the dream's story was TV-show Charlie's struggle against insane-leader-clone Charlie, but through the eyes of the rest of the Gang, who were unaware of clones or anything really otherworldly until the climax toward the end (which the narrative revisited from several different angles before I woke up).
In the end, I think that a degraded Frank clone, and degraded and dying Charlie clone, and the disgusting "daughter" clone escaped the conflict and moved off to some island somewhere.
I hope I remember more, and not less, of this dream.
(And when I say degraded, at no point to I mean, "growing one wing through a neat hole in your trenchcoat or impractical armor and gradually turning into limestone from the scalp down;" I just mean normal clone mutated. Severely normal clone mutated.)