Lt. Surge, the giant Gym leader from Pokemon is the stereotypical "American bully" from the second trope, taunting little children and having his bigger Pokemon beat up on them while he calls them "babies". This contrast in the game, where he appears to have the usual good sportsmanship required to be a gym leader and he is once said to be a war-hero (making him type 1 in games, type 2 in anime). And of course this is a little bizarre. That is, the first game was clearly set in the real world (an NPC talks about the moon landing and gives the date), but later games make up their own geography.
o Actually, the anime is still set in the real world (or an Alternate RW), it seems, since the anime clearly talks about Paris, there's footage of the moon landing, amongst others. The games may or may not be...
+ The games are set in the real world, because there are references to the real world even in the new games. Also, the geography for the new games isn't made up; it's just based off of different parts of Japan.
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Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro features possibly the pinnacle of type II Eagleland, ironically during a trip to a traditional Japanese Hot Spring. As well as ticking all the Phenotype Stereotype boxes (blond hair, blue eyes, large nose), and having a surprisingly plausible accent (until he has to speak English...), he whistles the "Star-Spangled Banner" to himself, hates Japanese culture, but pretends to love it just to get close to a woman, threatens to sue for the slightest slight, keeps a massive revolver in his pants, kills a woman for refusing to give him "her resources" (oil her love), thinks that losing his pride is reasonable grounds for self-defense and is obsessed with working out to the point of walking around shirtless, dressed like someone from an L.A. street gang. Oh, and he calls America "a law enforcing Empire" which "raised [him] to have an emotionless heart". The kicker is that the episode ends as An Aesop about how people shouldn't be so narrow minded and intolerant of other people's culture. The irony is apparently lost on the producers of the episode.
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So, in general, Americans are smart, polite, friendly, a bit openly emotional by Japanese standards, and possessed of The Power Of Rock. Sounds about right, really.
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In Mega Man Battle Network 2, the main character visits a very thinly veiled Fantasy Counterpart Culture version of America. The first thing that happens to him? He gets mugged. Twice. And then has to go to the ghetto to get his things back. Netopia's Japanese name is "Ameroupe," a blatant contraction of America and Europe.
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In Les triplettes de Belleville, all Americans seen in the background are grotesquely obese. Even the Statue of Liberty is a fat woman holding a cheeseburger. ((Is there a good reason that this page doesn't mention Advance Wars, Final Fantasy VIII, Ace Combat, et cetera?)) Used straight in Runaways with Los Angeles, with a justification: after the kids take out the Pride, there's a power vacuum and supervillains try to make their niche. But also deconstructed somewhat with regards to New York City, the City Of Adventure for the rest of the Marvel Universe - superpowers are seen as something that mostly happens far away from our heroes; then they visit NYC and are awed at seeing superheroes in the streets, and one character comments "here, we're not so special". Likewise, Sesame Street is supposed to be in a Brooklyn neighborhood.
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Although it may not truly be New York, Empire City in Sonic Unleashed is modeled after the city.
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In Famous takes place in "Empire City". The Applied Phlebotinum that gives you Magic And Powers trashes it. Its Up To You - help rebuild or finish the job? Abusive Parents: In the Japanese version, Porky and his brother are beaten off camera by their father after you bring them back home at the start of the game.
* Uhh, they get beaten in the American version too.
* The sound effect was changed, though, so it sounds more like they were getting yelled at or something.
o Slam dunked by a robot.