!!!!!!!!11 (n00blet original)
!!11&one;! (Web 2.0 only)
!!!!!!!!!eleventy!!!!!!11 (This version is used by unfunny ebaumsworld cunts)
!!!111!!111!!!11oneoneeleven0n3 (very h4xx indeed!)
!!!!111!!!111one!!1oneone0n3zeronthreez3r0n7hr33zthreerzeronsevenhrthreethreez7hr33rz3r0n53v3nhr7hr33thr33 (ULT1M8 H4XX F0R3V3R) (0H 5H1--)
???????//11? (Doing it wrong).
Use !!!!111! or any other variant, but not because you are actually making a mistake or trying to be funny or making fun of people trying to be funny. Instead you are using it to make fun of people making fun of people trying to be funny, thus demonstrating how cool and hip and seasoned you are. This is an example of Hipster Irony. Warning: Only use this if you truly have your finger on the pulse of internet high society.
Add in a dictionary definition of the word 'one', eg 'The ordinarily of an element which has no predecessor; usually called first' or The cardinality of the smallest nonempty set. The number of heads a typical human has.'
Try throwing in other numbers, 5 seems to be popular.
If you are in extreme LOLgasm, a 2 or @ is fine too. Disregard that, twos don't exist.
Throw in a word to prove just how hilariously random and silly you are. !!!!!!!11111221111!!!
Spell out eleven instead of just one.
Use 111111111111 to signify your presumption that all caps mode amounts to permanent shift key activation.
Use "shift+1", which is how you actually make a "!". !!!11shift+1!1oneone
Add question marks and forward-slashes (???????////)
Throw in some "uno"s and "ein"s to show how smrt u r.
To be a total wanker, spell out "exclamation mark" repeatedly as opposed to "one". (e.g. !!!exclamationmarkexclamationmarkexcamationmark1111). If you are spanish, be sure to include some upside-down ones in the beginning of your sentence.
Another popular method is adding "eleventy-one" or "eleventy" a la Bilbo Baggins, i.e. !!!!11!!eleventy-one!!
Use cos(0), sin(90), tan(45), e^0, log(10), ln(e), -e^(i*pi), or 0.999... all of which are equal to 1. MIND HURTS.
Include directions on how to draw a certain character. For example, replace "1" with "Draw a single vertical line with a 225° line protruding from the top point and a smaller horizontal line intersecting perpendicular to the bottom the point, and repeat this process multiple times".
Explain how one can write 1, such as "With your index finger, tap the '1' button near the top-left of your keyboard gently, and repeat in accordance to desired quantity"
Explain "1" in further detail, such as "number which precedes 2 and exceeds 0", or "smallest odd number which is a multiple of itself only yet is not prime". Be as retarded as you like.
Write an enyclopedia article describing the entire process, or, better yet, add an irrelevant, last-word, ultimately self-referential comment to a pre-existing example of such, or hey, even a last-word AFTER a last-word (repeat the cycle).
Add a ZOMGGGGGZZZZ onto the end for more emphasis.
Add the letter V after cuntpasting something many times. Implies you let go of the Ctrl key before the V. Example: "duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck vvv"
Add a random obscure Unicode symbol, example: zomg!!!11!۩!1 No, use 卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐
The expression (10^large-1)/9, which is written in base-10 as a string of 1s with length large (implicitly presumed to be an integer).
FFFFFFFF, which is hex for a 32-bit string of 1s.
Write "1" in 1337 as 0|\|3 or even 23|&0 |>1|>3 |=0|&\/\/4|&|) 5|_45# |>1|>3 7#|&33
Don't write anything. argue that zOMG had its origins when DepressingNerd Doe witnessed something surprising and/or schocking on one of his many internet journeys on the quest for porn. In the heat of his surprise, he missed the shift key typing a 'z' instead, making 'zomg' zOMG's earliest form. Nowadays all the cool kids write zOMG for an increased dramatic effect. While the definition of zOMG is still hotly debated, it is generally accepted that zOMG would exhibit some basic characteristics. question and exclamation marks are punctuation marks used to begin interrogative and exclamatory sentences (or clauses), respectively, in written Spanish.