Sep 25, 2004 23:22
John showed me this earlier and yeah...
I'm so beyond pissed and frankly, I don't give a fuck if I get banned or if I piss brandon off(god he's more fucking sensitive than a clit)
I've never been that good of friends with Doug, but I have nothing against him.
Nicole yeah... She's one of my best friends and you don't fuck with my friends, especially my females ones.
So, here ya go. I don't care who fucking sees or replies. Let's all have a look at just how nice Brandon is.
"Doug, FUCK YOU.
And Hel, well, I can't really badmouth you because I havn't spoken to you, but understand that I will not speak to you because you have no concept of IC OOC seperation, and thus, are a worm beneath my notice.
Doug, I thought you could be fair, but it's clear to me you are shoved so far up Nicoles ass that you havn't seen the light of day in years, you fat bald sack of shit. I can't believe you. I actually DEFENDED you to Vicki, who tried to tell me arguing with you was useless because you don't know how to be fair. And you don't. You just know how to be a cocky son of a bitch who kowtows to his friends, irregardless of what that means to other people.
How does your little fucked up philosophy go? "Always side with your friends no matter what?" What a fucking moron. Seriously. For someone who tried to tell me about martial arts philsophy, you are fuckin' piece of work.
Lemme tell ya somethin', Dougy. I don't care what you seem to think, if I ever meet you, I -will- beat the shit out of you. Because you are the most dishonorable, backstabbing, hormonal, mentally deficient person I know, who lets his cock rule his brain more than even me.
What made you decide to put Hel back, after her little outburst? Did she send you more nudes? Did she cyber you like Rayne did, like all the other women who wanted something from you? You must have come from Kansas if you cybered Nicole, who you call your sister. You make me fucking SICK. You disgust me.
And you know what else? You -disappoint- vicki. You remember Vicki, the woman who left you and her husband for me? Yeah, stings, doesn't it bitch?
Sure, maybe it's a bit childish for me to get so worked up over this game, but you know something? It isn't about the game. It's about you being a waffling son of a bitch with no spine in your entire fucking body. I hope that fucking hurricane drowns your ass so I don't have to deal with your bullshit favoritism attitude, you cocksucker.
And Nicole...poor, sweet, deluded, mentally ill Nicole. What can I say about you that hasn't already been said? Nothing, really. But hey, I will say it anyway! You're a whore, a slut, a two timing backstabbing weakwilled piece of shit. You spineless little tramp! You couldnt even come to me about this, you had to go through doug! I MUST be scary if you are so timid that you cannot talk to me online.
Christ. I can't trust any of the Hosts in this room. You're all a bunch of children who can't decide what you approved one week to the next(nevermind removing approval for things that were already approved!)! And when you have to deal with the big bad scary run to Daddy Doug. Who cannot even argue with me like a man, he has to hide behind his banning ability. That's right bitch, how does it feel to be scared of someone!
That's right, DANCE PUPPETS! FUCKING WHORES! I can see why you're both still single. Nicole, your just a fucking insipid whining bitch, and Doug..god. Who could stand your attitude IRL? I at least have SOME looks to make up for it. You look like a reject from thug life. Fucking sickening.
Honor. You wouldn't know it if it beat you senseless.
And if you ever show up anywhere I am? It will, I assure you.
And then, I will go fuck my girlfriend with your blood still on my hands.
So ban me for 72 hours because you can't answer my questions, because the only answer is.."i dont want to offend my sister by going contrary to her." Real strong, there. Oh, and by the way, no one else seems to care what you have or havn't approved in the game. Ask the Fennites. Who still play.
And I absolutly LOVE how you base you decisions on "because I told you so." Fucking bully. Prolly got your lunch money stolen alot in elementry school.
You cant even spell blame or regards correctly. And yeah, I make typos too, but you do it consistently, and tried to tell Viicki that was how it was spelled! Did you even graduate? Fucking sack of shit, you make me sick.
OH, and to any CCC women who read this, ask about all the times Doug has shown your naked pictures to Vicki. Like Siska, and Sarah(EC). Fucking showed your private pictures to other people. What a lump of shit.
And BRAGGED about seeing Sara naked(but we knew that one already, didn't we?), and Jen naked, AND MAdi naked!
And you DARE call yourself honorable. Man.
Just, like, go die somewhere. Please."