Of the SNS I lend any credence to at the moment

May 23, 2009 06:45

Facebook for me is an effective way to keep tabs on people who once were in my life fulltime or had some type of impact. Facebook is reserved solely for those whom I know in “real life.” It helps me remember birthdays, view pictures and allows a peek via a sentence or 2 about their current states of mind; though it's become like Twitter in that regard. I do not post status messages.

Livejournal is my little blogging sanctuary. I don’t “know” any of you and that’s exactly how I like it. I can read and write substantive entries about anything sans worries of judgments or criticisms or accusations or any of the pitiable behaviors known to the human condition.

Twitter is a neat enough concept but I’ve been there done that. A bunch of geeks and I reeked havoc on the baby-app and helped them realize that a change of platform would be in their best interest a while back. It was a good time for us anyway. It lost it’s appeal after that as I like to amerce myself fully into what experience is upon me. Seems to me that taking time to write about what is going on as it’s going on interrupts the natural flow of things. Not to mention that instant messengers are for the back-and-forth back-and-forth and honestly, I for one do not care that you’re sitting next to a mal-groomed creature on a hot bus or how healthy your shit is now that you're eatting more fiber. Pompous all of it.

With that said, I now leave you to your social network of choice.
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