Sometimes Oklahoma gets a great deal in the film world, just by virtue of love. In this past year we had THE world premiere of all the new short films nominated for the Oscar short film category. In fact, it was the only place one could see them all together in the world before the Oscar ceremony.
Now here comes a real treat: Tulsa is getting the World Premiere of Hoodwinked, the new animated film with luscious Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, Jim Belushi and more as the voices of this post-modernist animated Red Riding Hood tale. Other than LA and NY, Tulsa will be the only other place this will open early. And not only will the director and screenwriters be present, but some of the stars will be there, with the whole red-carpet rollout and everything, at the 2300 seat Performing Arts Centre, December 13th 6:00 PM, two and a half weeks before it opens nationwide. The reason? Because the five screenwriters/director/producer are native Tulsans, who want to spotlight what Tulsa has to offer!
Not only that, this creative team will be doing a roundtable for Oklahoma filmmakers the night before. Now, since this is a charity event, tickets are $20.00 a piece. But guess what? I have free tickets, through an unnamed course (I don’t want them to get mobbed). But the case is, if you’re really interested in this, get with me for more information…