A Gopher?
Now Presenting Miss Mina Rose...
Well guess what? I stayed up 'til 6:00 AM last night organizing images and editing the video from the delivery room, which includes me cutting the umbilical cord, mother and baby meeting for the first time, loads of gore, et cetera. However
falfax asked me to remove it since she feels it should have some special significance amongst friends and family who are present. So that's a loss, but here's 49 pictures to give a hint as to why I had hundreds of unopened e-mails and four pages of friends-list entries to catch up on this morning!
EDIT: She decided to let me post a clip of part of the delivery room stuff, so that'll follow later today!
The night labour began...a process that lasted 24 hours, and which meant that falfax and I had been up for 42 hours straight before sleep was possible.
Rebecca hanging out in the delivery room with us
My parents and mother-in-law hanging out in the delivery room with us
A view outside her room
A regular framed Edward Degas print?
Nope, a secret Edgar Degas hidey-hole!
Patented warmer keeps fries as well as newborns toasty
tallwithglasses and Leslie Echalk
Work friends: Chamonix, Taylor, Misty
...including Sarah
The lactation nurse
My mother
My sister, and Danny and
cadence1 in the background
My niece, who surmised "She likes me."
My brother and nieces Eve and Ivey
My sister-in-law Aeme
looking_askance My first present to her (aside from a Nightmare Before Christmas onesie) was this Rudolph
The downside of glass bottles at 3:30 AM
I got to know this coffee pot VERY well
My father on the visiting Santa's lap
A pea in a pod
The snowstorm that started up outside right before we took her home
At home in the crib
Some of the free swag
First temperature measurement at home
Cory and Bettina drove down from Lawrence to see her
I'm holding out for...One Billion Dollars!
Sleepy-time Daddy
A potato...with ears
P.S. - Go
here to see her official hospital profile, and be sure to sign the Guestbook!