Tuesday night I received confirmation that an investor in Edmond is fronting the full production budget for my werewolf movie I'm shooting in early July, so that guarantees not only that I can shoot on 35mm, but also that I can pay the crew for the nine day shoot. The script is coming along fast and furious.
Last night I hung out with
tallwithglasses is in Colorado for the next few days, so in addition to watching The Battle for Endor and playing the Wii last night, tonight at 9:50 PM we're going to see
28 Weeks Later, and some other time over the weekend playing Star Wars Lego II on X-Box. Kari Mayes hung out with us on Monday evening, and last night she stayed the night. The in-laws are out-of-state for a week and a half, so it's been very different the past few days.
Saturday I need to finish the script and business plan because I have to meet with the investor and antagonist actor all Sunday afternoon in Edmond, and considering I have to leave by 10:30 AM, there's not much time to polish!
I have today and tomorrow to finish off the ketaconazole pills I've been taking the past two weeks, and supposedly I'll be back to normal by Sunday. We'll see. I had slacked on using the Desonide cream until yesterday, because I assumed the pills would treat the patches, but if I would've thought about the fact that I've been using the Capex steroid shampoo as an external solution in association with the pills, I would've got smart earlier on. Getting some sun soon will help.
falfax and I have been wanting to play tennis since getting the Wii, but we'll need rackets first, and I'll have to buy athletic shoes and clothing.
Last night I had a dream that I was scheduled to be executed, but it was in the near-future where the government didn't do it solely for murder cases but for minor offenses as well, and they didn't do it in prisons anymore. Instead it became a familial obligation to execute the condemned by a certain time on a particular day. My father and mother had set up the gallows in the back yard, and then I tested it. Inside the house my aunt was giving birth to twins, while
falfax was birthing the baby. I thought, "Well, at least there are three births in my family this day to compensate for the snuffing out of my life".
I suddenly began thinking of all the stuff I own, and how people would have to deal with it when I'm gone. I then became alarmed because of the things I own that are important to history (like some of the Bald Knobber memorabilia I own), which no one else would have any idea about, and it'd be lost to time. I asked my parents if I could have a bit more time to quickly scrawl out a blanket will (more like a list defining what is what), and my father said he had an errand to run and that that'd buy me a short amount more time. As I was sitting there on the edge of the gallows talking with my mother, I realized that I really didn't have to go through with it; I could simply escape "to Italy", and though I may not see any of the family members ever again, at least they'd know I was enjoying life somewhere out there in the world. With this conviction I stood up, telling my mother I'd go into the house to use the restroom and then light out for the opposite side of the world. At that point I awoke and actually needed to visit the restroom. At this same instant, falfax had been having a revelatory dream herself.
I do know that my dream signifies that I'll overcome all my obstacles and succeed in gaining wealth. Does that have anything to do with the new film project?