Peter Gibbons: I wanna take you out to dinner, and then I wanna go back to my apartment and watch 'Kung Fu'. Do you ever watch 'Kung Fu'?
Joanna: I love 'Kung Fu'.
Peter Gibbons: Channel 39.
Joanna: Totally.
Peter Gibbons: You should come over and watch 'Kung Fu' tonight.
The above of course is courtesy of Office Space (1999). Well guess what? The long-standing rumours are true. It's getting adapted. Ouch! Well now I'm holding on for 3 for 8. My whole life there have been eight magical properties which define me, that I have extensively planned out in my head to direct as feature films someday (Metroid; Zelda; Kung Fu; Panama Jack; The Battle of Olympus; Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera; The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; Castlevania). If you notice, those last few properties have either been realized by some company already, or else are currently in production. Keep in mind these are not even the beginning of what I intend to direct: I literally have roughly 64 projects mapped out, most of which are my own personal creations aside from these few golden franchises.
But now one of the most beloved ones has been ripped out from beneath my feet yet again: a big-screen adaptation of Kung Fu (1972-1975). I'm torn because you see, the directors of this, Allen and Albert Hughes, do quality work. They've done Menace 2 Society, Dead Presidents, and From Hell. So I know they'll at least do a faifthful job and keep this as an Eastern-Western. Note to anyone that would expect otherwise: Kung Fu: The Legend Continues was a travesty; It took away everything that made the original salient. It was NOTHING remotely like the classic biblical text of the original series.
All I can do is hope for the best and continue to watch my Kung Fu complete series box sets with religious fervour. There's a reason why Quentin Tarantino gave Carradine such a special role in the Kill Bill series.