Haunted Homestead and Trail of Pawnee

Oct 19, 2006 04:32

I'm wanting to pay volunteers to work my Haunted Horror Trail/Hay Ride! Its on a 386 acre ranch just outside Pawnee OK, and will take place Oct. 27th, 28th, 30th, and 31st, from 7:00-10:30 PM nightly. I've got a website up at http://haunted.techix.com , best viewed with Firefox browser. The FAQ section will be added for IE users soon.

So please, if you'd like to dress up and scare some customers, or just simply take their ticket money, get with me immediately, even if you can only do it for a night or two. We need as many people as possible to turn this into a big event that will grow into something truly unique and fantastic!

Also please spread the word around to everyone you know, and be sure to visit us for a Halloween season scare! Thank you!

horror trail, rock house ranch, major brand productions, pawnee, halloween

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