I think I upset
falfax's grandfather a bit last night while she was interviewing her grandparents on video for family posterity. We were asking them questions about them being in the second World War and when I asked him if he shot anyone, he replied, "Well I shot AT people". I pressed further, asking "Well how many people did you shoot at? You don't know if you killed them or not?" And when he started getting really flustered waving his hands around and acting really weird, falfax immediately asked to change the subject.
I had just always assumed it was a glory thing, especially for WWII vets (I KNOW its not for Vietnam vets), like, "Yeah! I took out 17 japs in the Big One, and my best buddy took out 19!" The airforce decorates their planes with symbols to indicate each plane they've shot down and marines put stickers for each kill on their helmets and such. I thought most vets who felt like they were part of a patriotic cause really relished the freedom count they themselves had succeeded in. But I guess it really bothers him, so I felt bad afterwards and am wondering if I should apologize tonight before they leave back to Chicago in the morning.
looking_askance says it probably isn't something I need to worry over. But watching him afterwards stare off into space let me know I'd reawakened something he didn't relish remembering.