Upcoming events

Mar 16, 2006 11:12

These events are all set in stone. I'll need a small donation for supplies (maybe $4.00 a person) or contributions to help with the Kong and SW event if you attend those. Otherwise they'll go from being something more festive down to a simple DVD screening at home. RSVP for them NOW, and spread the word near and far!

Falfax's birthday party:

Saturday March 25th, starting at 8:00 PM. RSVP now!

King Kong extravaganza:

Friday March 31st - The original classic (#205 in the IMDB Top 250 films of all time), followed by Peter Jackson's King Kong (2005) - 7:00 - 12:00 PM. Kong themed-foods and drinks shall be present. MAY be projected on the 385-acre ranch property just north of Stillwater. RSVP now!

The Star Wars Saga marathon (episodes 1-6 back to back, with ten minute intermissions between each chapter):

Saturday April 1st, starting at 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM. We will have themed-breakfast snacks to start, pizza delivered at 2:30 PM after episodes I and II, chinese food delivered at 7:00 PM after episodes III and IV, and other themed-snacks to get us through episode VI. Location to be determined soon. Let me know of suggested location and/or equipment ideas. Though this is something I've always dreamed of doing, I've never seen them back -to-back yet. That's the impetus, but we should also get together as many people as possible that's never seen them. RSVP now!

The Norman Medieval Faire:

Sunday April 2nd. Leave for the Faire at 11:00 AM, arrive at 12:30 PM. Leave the Faire at 5:00 PM for Misal's Indian Bistro. Then on to a 7:00-ish showing of V For Vendetta!

The Bare Bones International Film Festival:

April 17-23rd in Muskogee - I have three shorts playing this year. The exact dates of my screenings is currently being determined, but the awards ceremony will be Sunday the 23rd at 6:00 PM. As much as I need a cheering section for the awards show, I need an entourage to help me promote my film screenings during other days. Anyone that wants to split a hotel room with us for some time there would be most welcomed!

medieval faire, birthday party, film festival, star wars, king kong, bare bones international film festival, peter jackson

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