It started because I’d read an academic article that made use of both Supernatural and Boogeyman. I was intrigued by the parallels the writer addressed in them, and I wanted to understand more about Eric Kripke. So I put the movie into my Netflix queue, expecting to watch it once the semester had ended. Then for fun, since fans are always mentioning J2’s other projects in their blogs, I started adding other stuff - you know, Friday the 13th, My Bloody Valentine, Dark Angel. And soon I had a very satisfying way of surviving the Hellatus: watching the J2 canon (with some bonus Kripke, JDM, and the ever adorable Mis
I’m not going to give a complete recap of each movie because it only occurred to me to review them long after the fact and because any good Supernatural fan has probably already seen them anyway. (If you're not one of those fans, SPOILERS ABOUND.) Instead, let’s concentrate on an important scoring system that rates their worthiness.
Here we go.
I once heard Kripke say that Boogeyman was SPN without the heart that Bob Singer brings to it. This movie is essentially the pilot meets Azazel kidnapping the Special Children in “All Hell Breaks Loose” meets "Home," minus any Wincesty playfulness.
It’s Barry Watson walking around with a deadpan look on his face for two hours. Seriously, just walking. He walks into a room and stops. No facial expression change. Then into another.
My reaction? I was mildly amused at the whole running-away-from-the-family thing, the blonde-girlfriend thing, the Family Secret thing, but that shit lasts about ten minutes and we’re onto deadpan walking.
I can’t really care about poor Barry, even if he has shaggy hair that kinda mimics Early Sam. It’s a shame, too, because he was sometimes an awesome big brother on Seventh Heaven. (And now that I’m into the Dark Angel oeuvre while watching Arrested Development for fun, I realize that essentially ALL of my television viewing, at least of late, is dripping with incestuous overtones. I watched Seventh Heaven regularly in college. Could that have been the start of it all?)
(Shut up, bitches. That show was good when I was nineteen.)
Kripke was right; this movie just doesn’t have any heart. You know what else it doesn’t have?
You know what else?
An awesome big brother.
Jared’s Hair (10 being Season 3, 1 being the L’Oreal commercial): 5
Jensen’s Voice (10 being Damian the LARPer, 1 being the pilot): 7
Jared’s Body (10 being lanky season 1, 1 being 'roided up mid-season 5): impossible to tell, Barry’s hidden under this unfortunate coat the entire movie
Brotherly Love (10 being the early years, 1 being “Sex and Violence”): --10 broody emo-boy goes it alone
Use of women's bodies (10 being tit for tat - hee hee, I didn't even realize I said that, 1 being naked Ruby and Meg torture while Sam and Dean merely go shoeless): 10