Ah....looks like he fell asleep. Poor dear--all this stress really isn't good for him. Could someone at least bring him a blanket out here? Wouldn't want him to catch a cold...that wouldn't be good. Especially with that severly creepy
thing being revived as it is...well, it's not been very easy on him, you understand. He hasn't meant to snap at anyone yesterday, so I'm sure apologies for that are in order. Though how quickly they're given, well....that's another matter all together.
Ah, silly me, I'm getting off track, aren't I? Well, anyway, if someone could just bring him out a blanket so he doesn't get sick, I would appreciate it. We'll probably be going to the archery range to practice when he wakes up, knowing this boy...
[/voice post]
[ooc: Yup...Doumeki's bow is a woman. xD A very motherly one, at that.]