Apr 21, 2008 20:52
Kidnappings, hostages? Religious absolution? Somehow I'm not sure all these things tying into hitsuzen is exactly the same as it is in our world......maybe the City severs itself from hitsuzen.
...well if that were true I guess he wouldn't be here. Scratch that.
It all seems ridiculously unnecessary. Why cause excess grief in a place where those things aren't even going to matter when you go home, wherever home is? Ugh.....
Suppose it's none of my business then, really.
I do not think I will be getting used to the sake store we maintain failing to go down at an excessively high rate.*
[ooc: *code for: mommy yuuko-san is still gone and Watanuki will go take a walk or clean something now, kthxbai]
what the hell ever,
doumeki is a jerk,
hostage situations are stupid,
kidnapping is stupid,
give a damn